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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Beer Googles!

Some of the Internet Search Engines
I recently read an article (its here) which mentions some of the pitfalls when using the Internet to search for information (including pictures) for potential recruiters. I think this is a very interesting subject and I would recommend reading the article and the subsequent comments at the end which offer both arguments for and against from the HR professionals prospective.

Any information posted on the internet is in the public domain so surely I/you shouldn't put anything on here that you don't want others to potentially see (for whatever reason), however the issue then comes when someone else puts something on the internet without your knowledge and which could potentially lead to reputational damage for you! Obviously the privacy settings within social networking sites could help here, but these are only as good as the users awareness of these and also your friends of a friend of a friends awareness of these also!!

My personal view (as is all of the content on this site) is that a Google search (or Yahoo! for that matter) is a tool which can be utilised with caution within the pre-employment screening process for certain roles. For example security sensitive positions where an internet search may highlight information which would prompt you to ask some more probing questions during the interview stage i.e. you may find that someone worked for company XYZ, wasn’t sacked but mentions on their social networking profile how they were able to procure £2000 fraudulently and further more this role doesn’t appear on their CV within the employment history section.

From a legal or DPA prospective I am not too sure what the view on this is(but I can guess that it’s not particularly pro). Now with my security hat on surely advising a candidate at the initial stages that an internet search may take place will potentially deter the candidates who could pose a problem................in the current climate good candidates are a plenty, we all want to recruit the best, but we also don't want to recruit the candidate within the accounts department who has previous for fraud (but never convicted) or the candidate who has links to a terrorist organisation that joins your business to gain valuable intelligence and pose an insider threat.....or the person that lacks integrity and is clearly not a team player!

Update 7/10/10: Sal Remtulla, Head of Employee Screening at Risk Advisory has recently circulated some snapshots of recent CV liars. You can read her analysis here

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