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Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Press Release: The National Security Workers Union (NSWU) Is Born!

With over 350,000 workers employed in the UK private security industry(a), the employees in this sector have been, without doubt, the most under represented or supported workforce remaining in the country.

That's about to change......

Security staff have faced a program of regulation and licensing over the last few years which we all hoped would be the start of a massive uprating of respect and appreciation for the role performed by the hard working professionals within the industry. Indeed even the SIA (Security Industry Authority) anticipated a new “Golden Age” as lack of licensed security professionals would cause a shortage of supply and hence increase wages across the board.

Sadly these hopes were never realised and indeed, though security is still such a vital part of so many companies operations, our jobs never the less, seem to be increasingly less well regarded and the current economic climate has served as a universal excuse to reduce salaries and silence decent across the entire sector.

The NSWU has been formed with the following objectives:

• To represent our members on a personal level, in any conflict with employers.
• To enlighten and increase professional and public awareness of the massive responsibilities and vitally important roles performed by our membership.
• To provide a source of advice and guidance in all aspects of working life for our membership.

Conceived by Rollo Davies, a security professional for over 20 years, the NSWU aims to keep administration and running costs to a minimum, always, enabling the fees of it's members to be used where needed most, providing the support and assistance required, when and where it is needed.

Initially with a 24hour email, and telephone advice service backed up with the website and a representation provision, we have plans to expand, with a qualified full time employment law specialist and trained area representatives, as soon as membership numbers allow.

Some of the largest security companies in the country do not recognise any union currently and the general unions that are available seem to go widely unsupported or promoted at the moment.

The NSWU, run by security professionals for security workers in all sectors of the industry, will campaign to redress the balance and fight to give those whos sole responsibility is to protect people and property, sometimes working unimaginably long hours for relatively poor pay, the respect and acknowledgement they deserve.

http://www.thenswu.org/          NSWUinfo@gmail.com           Twitter: @theNSWU

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